Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The end of my 53 Day Makeup No Buy Challenge

If you read my first blog you'll know that I embarked on a "53 day No Buy Makeup Challenge".  I gave myself until my birthday (which was 53 days) to not buy any makeup.  I also secretly tried to not buy and clothing, shoes, or accessories but did not tell anyone because I didn't want to hold myself accountable.  What a sissy, I know!  My main focus was on makeup because I knew I had an addiction to buying it.

I posted a "Makeup No Buy Challenge Fail" and blogged about products I ended up buying.  I decided that I would continue to try and that is what I did, try.  I won't sit here and say that I didn't spend any money during the challenge because I did.  A couple weeks before my birthday I went out with my girls.  We ended up spending the day at Santana Row in San Jose where I indulged in a day at the spa, getting my hair blown out and shopping.  We hit up the mall across the street and didn't leave until it closed.  I can't believe we spent an hour and a half at sephora.  I ended up purchasing a few things.  I will also admit that I've been to ulta and did some damage.

What  I will say is although this  No Buy Challenge wasn't 100% successful I did learn a lot about myself.  I learned that I was getting addicted to shopping, especially buying Makeup.  I think I tend to buy more makeup than clothing or shoes or anything else because unlike clothes or shoes I know they will "fit" and I don't need to worry about it "fitting me".  It's an easy buy.   I got caught up in watching youtube and my favorite gurus.  I had to try the latest products, and everyone's holy grail products, that I've accumulated a massive amount of makeup, spent thousands of dollars, and will never ever ever use them all up.   I've learned that I don't need to buy every color of an item or have every shade of lipstick.  I don't need 40 different red/burgandy lipsticks because in truth I could probably get away with having 3 and no one would know the difference.  I don't need to latest palette, in fact I don't need to have them all.

I'm not saying I'm never shopping again but I now know that I don't need everything I want.  I've realized that the $200 sitting in my shopping cart while I'm shopping online will only give me a temporary high of thinking I'm about to get $200 worth of new things but now I tell myself, "ok, if I buy this I will be $200 poorer".

As corny as it sounds I am a better person because of this challenge.  I can put the money I save into getting a house or taking trips with my family.  Again, Not to say I will never buy a new lipstick again. Just wiser decisions!

Thanks for reading, XO

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